Sonic 1: Stardust Gear Edition

Discussion in 'Showroom Archive' started by Stardust Gear, Jul 10, 2014.

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  1. Clownacy

    Clownacy Retired Staff lolololo Member

    Aug 15, 2014
    What do you need the Clone Driver (v2?) for, again? You just said you were going to use Flamewing's driver.
  2. StephenUK

    StephenUK Working on a Quackshot disassembly Member

    Aug 5, 2007
    Wait, what?

    You're making custom levels, so why bother porting the Sonic 1 levels? You said you were going to use Flamewing's driver, why change now? I get the feeling you don't actually have any idea what direction you want to take this hack in. You seem to change your mind almost daily about just about everything.
  3. Stardust Gear

    Stardust Gear A Programmer Member

    Apr 27, 2014
    I choose Sonic 2 Clone Driver since I am moving to Sonic 2.

    And Stephen, thanks for custom level advice! I will try to start zones from scratch.

    And bonus, I will port knuckles and Tails' flying ability.
  4. JoenickROS

    JoenickROS ROS (bug fixing in progress) Member

    Feb 5, 2012
    The guide for the Flamewing driver was originally for Sonic 2, so that doesn't make sense, In my opinion Flamewing's is better, but it all depends on preference.

    Edit: Also giving Tails his flying ability in S2, isn't going to be what gets people to play yours, try to think of original ideas, like for example, my Shadow's moves. Also proof of working flight is worth more. Also people like to be surprised sometimes, I would suggest getting something done that you can show us, before you post in this thread again.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2014
  5. ThomasThePencil

    ThomasThePencil resident psycho Member

    Jan 29, 2013
    the united states. where else?
    I feel like bringing up a very important point in response to this.

    You see, with the other characters, such as Sonic, Knuckles, and Shadow, you're given a lot to work with. Physical features, such as Knuckles' dreads and Shadow's skates, coupled with features that aren't exactly physical, such as Silver's psychokinesis and Shadow's Chaos abilities, allow for a wide range of abilities to be thought up and created.

    But with Tails, you're not really given that much. All you have is a mechanical genius with two tails. Ring bombs, flight, tail attack, maybe one or two other things. But it's not really that wide of a range, and when you realize that you're going to have a lot of characters in a hack, each with unique playstyles, you realize that Tails is hard to make unique from...well, pretty much any game or hack he's been in ever.

    So what am I saying? Well, it's a good thing to experiment and all, but you shouldn't try to make everybody's hack ultra-mega-unique. So what if some hacks have the same ideas? They're probably done differently between people because people have different styles.

    All that said, I'm gonna shut up now before I go off on a really long tangent, which I don't feel like doing right now. =P

    Mind this is all just my two cents and is not an accurate representation of much of anything besides my opinion. It does not set anything in stone, just gives some stuff to think about.

    (Quote exists because new page.)
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2014
  6. N30member

    N30member non-pro user btw Member

    Feb 15, 2014
    @Stardust Gear: Why do you restart it, why? You are running away from the problems, instead of solving them. And it's your main problem. Why not to finish your mission that you already started?
  7. Pacca

    Pacca Having an online identity crisis since 2019 Member

    Jul 5, 2014
    As of today, I've restarted my Sonic 2 hack 2 times over. However, I did not restart 100% from scratch, I still saved the level layouts, artwork, and the games core concept, and did not try to do absolutely insane things just because someone asked me too (I was once requested to port it to S3K; fuck no)! Each time, I thought long and hard, and was able to come up with a good explanation. The first time, the game was so ridiculously buggy that I asked everyone here what I should do with it. After looking over peoples opinions and THINKNG FOR MYSELF, I decided to leave the extremely broken code I had behind and restart the ASM from scratch, so the bugs could be fixed and dealt with one at a time in the future.The second time around, after trying (and failing) to get the constants system of the S2 github disassembly to cooperate, I decided to move my work over to the older xenowhirl disassembly (which definitely has less labels, but makes up for it with it's simpler design; I use the github one to find labels, then find the corresponding code in the xenowhirl disassembly.). My big issue here is that the only reason you restart your hack is because someone bitches about something, and you refuse to attack it head on, instead of simply give a reason as to why you did what you previously did, anyway. At least try to stand up for yourself, Stardust!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2014
  8. Para_

    Para_ A Ghost Member

    Jul 21, 2013
    Um... Hey Pac, I'm not sure if you know this but.

    I think you posted this in the wrong topic...

  9. Pacca

    Pacca Having an online identity crisis since 2019 Member

    Jul 5, 2014
    Actually, this is the right topic; read it through to the end XD
  10. Stardust Gear

    Stardust Gear A Programmer Member

    Apr 27, 2014
    I may add some characters. I will try to save the lavel layout, but edit it.

    Another feature I will add is 100% custom SMPS songs!

    And also a custom character.
  11. DwhitetheGamer

    DwhitetheGamer You got a serious fight in your hands. Member

    Jun 15, 2014
    You're putting too much on your plate, Stardust.  Take this thing one at a time.
  12. Pacca

    Pacca Having an online identity crisis since 2019 Member

    Jul 5, 2014
    I generally find that I do better when I dont plan ahead, and simply try to implement ideas one at a time as I think of them. In that way, I only ever have to focus on one thing at a time, and as these seperate features add up to each other, the product just gets better and better.
  13. TheStoneBanana

    TheStoneBanana banana Member

    Nov 27, 2013
    The Milky Way Galaxy
    Having goals you want to strive for isn't a bad thing, either.

    I, personally, think that having a small (and I emphasize small) list of things you want to do helps you stay more organized and on track.
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